August 6, 2014

Slide Potentiometer Test

This is just a test. Nothing more.

How it works is rather simple; the resistance of the potentiometer is read by ANALOG IN 0, and it map()s the values so it will light 20 LEDs with 74HC595 shift registers.
I wanted to see this logarithmic pot work linearly, so I added a 'filter' thingy (from this thread in a forum; check the last post. []). Now the pot imitates a linear one. I've proven it in the video by pushing the slider to the middle, you can see in linear mode(when the LED on the right is green), the LED bar inches up to its middle too, but not in log mode(when the LED on the right turns red) (wow long sentence!).

I didn't know what to do at the end of the video, so I hesitated a little.

Check out my 한국어 글(Korean blog post) if you want to learn 한글(Korean)!

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