July 7, 2012

Arduino Voltmeter (AC + DC)

Sorry, for the delay on posts, I had semester finals.

Anyway, this is my first major project since my tests. It's a simple Arduino voltmeter.

So the Arduino reads the low voltage (0 ~ 5 volts) as a float, which is converted from a 10-bit value to a voltage by using this formula:

realVoltage = analogValue * (5.0 / 1023.0)

With the rectifier diodes, we have a voltage drop, so we add that too.

realVoltage = realVoltage + 0.58

Really, I thought it would be 1.4 volts. Turned out to be 0.6...


The blinking LED on the end of the video indicates that the voltage is getting to high for the Arduino to handle.

Code coming up (release candidate)


  1. could you elaborate the role of motor and the led

    1. Sure!
      The motor is just generating AC, which I use to prove that I can read AC voltages (via a diode bridge)
      As for the LED, it blinks when the input voltage is too high for the Arduino (digitalRead()ing over 5 volts will fry something). its an alarm.

  2. https://ictebook.wordpress.com/projects/

  3. May i have the schematic.

  4. Can you please share a schematic or give us a list of the components that you used. (I’m a beginner, sorry)

  5. please can you give me the code in arduino
