February 27, 2014

Arduino Button Mouse

I bought an Arduino Leonardo not long ago, and I wanted to make something different from my previous Arduino Uno projects. I decided to take advantage of the new ATmega32u4 [datasheet] and make a mouse. I originally intended to do an Etch A Sketch style interface, but after burning out one of my potentiometer due to a stupid mistake, I scrapped that idea. I might use this idea on a later project!   Sorry for the long sentences,  I should get on to the actual description. There are five pushbutton switches on the breadboard. The first pushbutton switch does the clicking (the left mouse button). Then, the next four do the moving. They each increment or decrement the x or y coordinates of the cursor by 1 on every trigger. I didn't know which axis and direction each button controlled during recording the video, so you may see some unusual behaviour of the cursor ;)   Here is the source code for this project. If you want the schematic for this project, please contact me @[contact@leocarbonate.com].   And here is a video I made with Adobe Premiere Pro! I shouldn't have added the music; it sounds quite inappropriate for this type of video.

You can watch the video here (It's a YouTube video that is linked).

1 comment:

  1. Helloo!can you share me code and schematics of this project Arduino Leonardo + MPU6050 G21 on my email.
